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Monday, December 27, 2010
From The Desk of Judith "Judatta" Lindsay....Death of the "Star-Making Apparatus"
The “star-making apparatus” is damaged.
This pivotal point, above all others in the industry is the leading cause for the fear-mongering. It hides itself behind many monikers; the ‘death’ of intellectual property or the ‘collapse’ of the music industry. But really I think it comes down to the damage done to the ‘star-making apparatus’ which signifies the loss of control over consumer attention.
Previously, it was necessary for bands to get signed by a major label to have any chance to ‘make it’ in the music industry. We can villainize the majors all we want for the nature of these record deals, (basically the rape of artists creative control) but in many ways it made sense. The cost of recording an album was extremely high. It simply could not be done in your basement with garage band (somehow they were able to exist without mac books). Not to mention that because of the limited nature of popular media outlets i.e. radio and TV, it was again very expensive and near-impossible to get your music played without major support.
With these limitations of media and technology the ‘star-making apparatus’ was logical. It made sense to throw all your eggs in a few baskets, because there was only a handful of radio and television stations to broadcast music on (vs. say, the internet). What was presented to listeners was quite controlled by a few companies. The exorbitant production costs and demands made sense because labels wanted to place the ‘best’ possible music in front of audiences (best = created with the latest technologies and supervised by the premier producer of the time). That was expensive (9/10 major label records ended up costing more than they earned. But with the decline of technology costs and rise of the internet, how we can publish and consume has radically changed.
Now the system is suddenly thrown into complete whack. Major labels cannot guarantee their product will be economically successful. This is where the attack on intellectual property stems from. It’s not that music will stop being created, that’s ridiculous. Rather it’s that from an investment stand point the industry looks like a crap shoot. With the endless number of music discovery sites and music blogs, they have lost the fixed attention of the consumer.
While this is tragic for the major label model, we have to discern the difference between what is best for the major label model and what is best for music overall. In the file sharing age, the average artist is receiving more profit than ever before. So if artist are able to receive more profit and create sustainable careers independently, then isn’t that better?
The point is downloading is not the problem. Copying files is an inherent function of technology. Its adoption by consumers was logical. The problem is that consumer habits have changed while the industry has not.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Connected Music Group Presents....Calling All Interns
Today, anyone who wants a career working in the music business with a label of some kind, or is looking into producing, engineering, or working in one of the many music-oriented jobs in the recording industry has many choices when it comes to educating themselves about the business. In addition to the many schools, programs, books, websites, and other informational tools at their disposal, the chance to do a good old-fashioned internship still exists.
In fact, more than ever many companies will not consider hiring someone unless they have had some 'real world' experience in a studio, post-production facility, record label, distributor, store, live performance venue, or other businesses related to recorded audio products.
For example, you may think you are qualified to work in a recording studio just because you have some training in Pro Tools, or have helped setup a school-related recording project. You may also have taken courses where you aced all the written projects, and marketing classes, and think you have what it takes to work for a recording facility or record label. Well, that is all great experience, but it isn't enough!
Nothing is more impressive than having done some work as an intern. Businesses that offer internships may demand a lot of you. They may (and will) test your patience by having you do what you think are mundane, boring, or menial tasks…Stick it out. Most likely you are being given a form of initiation. Most people in the recording industry started out doing menial tasks and when given the chance to express their skills…did so, and were rewarded with jobs, job-leads, promotions or recognition of some kind.
I can only do so much to encourage you to get yourself an internship. You have to bug your music industry contacts: teachers, producers and engineers you have met or just heard about. Also, go out and pound the pavement. Talk to guys who are working your favorite club or live venue. Bug the retail clerk at your favorite record store. Hang out in the music scene of your choice. Be pro-active. Ask everyone if they know of any internship openings in their field.Think about any website design work or blogs and or podcasts you have put together for a favoriite band or artist....ANY kind of experience you may have had, can help you get some kind of an internship.
Do research on the types of audio-related businesses in your city. Use the Internet. Go to the library and look up the many directories, and read the weekly and monthly recording industry trade magazines and journals. Get on the phone, and do some informational interviews with the recording industry business you would most like to work for. Even knock on people's doors. Do whatever you have to do to get an internship. Internship opportunities do not come knocking on your door. You have to motivate yourself to get involved with this industry.
This technique has a tradition attached to it. It is called "The School of Hard Knocks". It means that everyone worth anything in this business had to push themselves forward and find a way to get noticed. Producers have to do this. Engineers have to do this. Certainly recording studio, and record label have to do this. And, artists need to do this. So, while being laid back and mellow is a great way to relax, it will get you nowhere in the whirlwind world of the recording industry. "Get Up, Stand Up!" Do something!
This industry is nothing but competition. Not just for jobs, but competition that finds one company fending of another company for clients and deals. So, businesses are looking for the most highly motivated employees they can find. Are you up for the challenge?
Once you say "Yes, I'm ready to show the world how good I am" and you have found your first internship, learn how to work that opportunity. You will have to take the good with the bad. Interns may start out as the low men and women on the ladder, but those that impress with their positive attitudes and dedication to their work, whatever it may be…will reap rewards. - Chris Knab-
So, if you think you got what it takes, bring it on!
The Connected Music Group
connected music group,
El Dot Dollaz
From the Desk of Judith Lindsay...What is a Band Agreement and Why you Need One...
What is a Band Agreement and Why You Need One
A band agreement (sometimes called a partnership agreement) is proof-on-paper that there’s a commitment within your group to deal with the everyday realities of being a professional musical act.
How many times have you heard the phrase "money changes everything?" Well, it’s true, and it’s one of the main reasons that you want to sit down with your fellow band members and work out on paper how you’re going to deal with the successes or failures that come your way BEFORE you start making money as a band or musical group. When money enters the picture, I can assure you that does indeed change everything.
No one wants to admit that they are ever going to be problems within a group of musicians. But, believe me personality problems, or business differences, or career goal conflicts within a group happen.
Why rock the boat by bringing up band agreements? Some bands go on for years without a written band agreement and live to regret it.
But hey, if you feel you don’t need a band agreement, OK, forget about it. Leave everything to an unspoken agreement, to a sense of fairness, to chance. As you read the summary of typical band agreement issues below, say to yourself after reading each point, "Well, that won’t be a problem in my group." Perhaps if you chant this enough, you can conjure up a musical genie who will protect you from the jealousies, egos, and money problems that cause band breakups and lawsuits.
Should you decide you’re not immune from these problems, save yourself some attorney fees by discussing these issues beforehand. Write notes on how you’ll handle these issues—before you sit down to have a legal agreement drawn up by an entertainment law attorney (at a cost of approximately $150 an hour). These are the typical issues that should be discussed and resolved in a band agreement.
What form of business will the band take? You can be a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a limited liability corporation. It’s beyond our discussion here to get into the specifics of each, but do some research and make an appropriate choice. If you start making money with your music, you better realize you are a business. The IRS and other state and local agencies might just be interested in having you pay some taxes like any other responsible citizen. Besides, choosing the right business form is just the right thing to do. You did say you wanted to make money with your music, right? Well, act like a business and choose a suitable business form.
Who owns the copyrights to your songs? Who is/are the songwriter(s)?Suffice it to say, there are as many possible answers to this question as there are members in a group. You have to take heed and resolve this issue. The real money in this business will come from the successful exploitation of the copyrights to your songs. Music publishing is a huge issue and there are many good books on the topic. If you want harmony within in your group, then agree on who writes all the songs and come up with a fair system to divide up the songwriting royalties. If you do not do this, when any kind of success comes along you’ll be in deep doo-doo about the split of those songwriting royalties with your fellow band-mates.
Share of profit and loss considerations You will have to define how the money (profit or loss) is divided. All band members could be equal partners and divide the profit or loss equally. You could also distribute the profit or debit the loss based upon the percentage owned (i.e. in case you’re doing business as a corporation, with each person owning a certain percentage).
How do you make group decisions? How will you vote on band issues? You have a couple choices; unanimous or majority rules. If you’re "All for one and one for all," then choose the Three Musketeers way of voting. All decisions must be made unanimously, with no dissenting votes. If the democratic system is more attractive to you, then agree to a majority vote; the dissenting members of your group will get to hold a grudge and pout for the next month. (Guess which voting mechanism I’m inclined toward? Well, the subject today is commitment isn’t it? What kind of commitment is there when contention exists within a group?)
Who owns the name of your group? Or, what about leaving members?Never thought of that one, huh? Well, you’d better. There have been hundreds, if not thousands of lawsuits by members of groups who split up and then fought over which members could continue to use the band’s name. This could be resolved in a band meeting, after a regular rehearsal is over, rather than in a court of law. Consider the following options:
No one can use the name if the group breaks up, regardless of how many in the band are still performing together.
A majority of the group members performing together can use the name. For example, if there are seven people in a group that breaks up, then four of them together can use the name.
Only the lead singer, (name), can use the name, regardless of who he/she is performing with.
Only (name), the songwriter who founded the group and thought of the name, can use the name, regardless of who he/she is performing with.
(Name of songwriter who founded the group and thought of the name) and (name of lead singer) can use the name as long as they perform together, but if they don’t, no one else can use it.
If the band doesn’t do anything, most likely the band name will be treated the same way as any other business partnership asset—meaning that any of the partners has the nonexclusive right to use it.
How will you fire someone who isn’t carrying their load?What is meant by "carrying your load" in your band? If a band member is showing up late for rehearsals, missing rehearsals with lame excuses, missing or showing up late for sound checks and live gigs, how will you and the other band members deal with that? I suggest you agree to rules for acting like professional musicians. When a rule is broken, your band will have a policy to deal with it. What kind of vote do you use to fire somebody? Choose between majority rules and unanimous.
Ex-members and money—who gets what?What happens after members are fired or quit? One option: they keep their percentage of money that comes in for past work done with the group. Or, they don’t keep their percentage for past work.
Money issues: band member investments and/or loans to the band.Let’s say that someone in your band has more money than the other members. They’re the generous type, you know, they say things like "Don’t worry about the $200, we’re in this together. Some day you’ll have money when I don’t—it will all work out." Right. Until there are some hard feelings, or the generous donor has some expenses and could really use that dough now. Many unpleasant scenarios can happen when money is spent without a clear understanding of how, or if, it is to be repaid. If you have a sugar daddy in your group, discuss in your written band agreement how your business form will deal with that issue.
Spending money and hiring other business professionalsWhat kind of vote does it take to approve spending money for the group? What kind of vote do you use to hire a lawyer, agent, or manager, to bring in a new musician? Again, the two basic options are majority or unanimous.
Who does what?If it’s true that musicians often fail in their careers because of a lack of commitment from their fellow musicians, then I find it particularly important for each band member to be responsible for a specific business task. If, for example, someone takes on booking the shows, other members can split the work of getting posters designed, printed, and put up. There are plenty of tasks: getting bills paid, finding rehearsal spaces, sending out press releases. If you’re making a recording, someone will be setting up recording sessions and planning for manufacturing, promoting, marketing and selling the CDs. Until a band has established itself as a viable money-making entity—one that is attractive to labels, management companies, booking agencies, publishers, and merchandise companies—somebody has to take on all the jobs of being a real band. And that somebody is everybody in your group.
Amendment of the Band Agreement What kind of vote does it take to change the terms of the band agreement?
There are more issues that should be included in a band agreement. I recommend a book called Music Law: How To Run Your Band’s Business by Richard Stim. He gives you a template for an actual agreement plus an in-depth discussion of band agreements, legal issues and reasons why a band agreement is so important.
There you have it. Deal with these issues or they’ll come back and bite you.
connected music group,
El Dot Dollaz
Sunday, December 5, 2010
From the Desk of Judith Lindsay.....
This article is designed to give an overview of music publishing.
Although the details can be less than fascinating, music publishing
remains one of the most financially lucrative areas in the music
business, and one of the few areas where artists can generate real
money. As a result, it is particularly crucial for recording artists
and songwriters to protect their publishing rights. The best way to
start is to learn the basics of the music publishing business.
Before the invention of the phonograph, songwriters earned income by
relying on music publishers to sell sheet music of their songs. Even
as radio and television replaced the piano in the parlor, music
publishers continued to play an important role as popular singers
continued to rely upon established songwriters to provide their
material. However, with the advent of rock and roll (and especially
the Beatles) popular recording artists began to write more of their
own songs. Since that time, the music publishing industry has taken on
a less important role. Nevertheless, music publishers continue to
perform several important functions that you should be aware of.
Today, music publishers are concerned with administering copyrights,
licensing songs to record companies and others, and collecting
royalties on behalf of the songwriter. Some of the more important
music publishing activities are listed below:
Mechanical Royalties
The term "mechanical royalties" initially referred to royalties paid
whenever a song was reproduced by a mechanical device (remember that
one of a copyright owner's exclusive rights is the right to authorize
the reproduction of their work). The term "mechanical royalties" was
applied to the reproduction of songs in music boxes, player pianos
rolls, and later, phonograph records. This term is still used, and
"mechanical royalties" now refers to royalties paid for the
reproduction of songs on CD, DAT, audiocassette, flexi-discs, musical
greeting cards, and other devices sold on a "per unit" basis.
The amount of money a record company must pay for a mechanical license
is generally set by the Copyright Royalty Tribunal. This rate is
sometimes referred to as a "statutory" rate. The current statutory
rate through December 31, 2007 is nine and one-tenth cent ($.091) per
song. This means that a single song can generate up to $.91 cents for
every 10 records sold. Unfortunately, it is record industry custom to
pay only 75% of the statutory rate to new or moderately successful
songwriters. This means that a typical songwriter without enormous
clout would generate a little more than 68 cents for every 10 records
sold. After the publisher collects this money from the record company
and takes its share of the income, a songwriter may receive as little
as half of this amount.
Foreign Monies
Foreign countries sometimes have different laws governing the
collection and distribution of mechanical royalties. As a result, it
is often necessary for publishers to enter into agreements with a
foreign publisher (or "subpublishers") to collect a songwriter's
mechanical royalties in that territory. After the subpublisher takes a
cut (anywhere from 15% to 25%) the rest of this foreign income is
divided between the publisher and the songwriter according to their
Synchronization Licenses
Whenever a song is used with a visual image, it is necessary to obtain
a "synchronization" (or "synch") license permitting the use of that
song. Music publishers issue synch licenses to television advertisers,
motion picture companies, video manufacturers and CD-Rom companies. A
portion of this money (usually 1/2 the net proceeds) is paid to the
Transcription Licenses
Because radio is not a visual medium, the use of a song as part of a
radio commercial requires a separate license, known as a
"transcription license." Sometimes songwriters are able to negotiate
provisions in their publishing contract preventing their songs from
use in certain contexts, such as ads for alcohol, tobacco, political
campaigns or other uses the songwriter may find offensive.
Print Licenses
Although sheet music sales have diminished over the years, many songs
are still available in print form. These include books of songs by
specific artists, instruction books or compilations of hits within a
given genre (i.e., "100 Country Hits of All Time"). The music
publisher issues print licenses and collects this income from the
sheet music company, while the songwriter receives a small royalty
derived from the sale of his or her song in print form.
Administration and Registration of Copyrights
Because music publishers generate money by licensing copyrighted
compositions, they must also perform various administrative tasks
involving copyright transfers and the registration of musical
copyrights with the U.S. Copyright Office. Registering your copyright
with the US Copyright Office provides added protection to copyright
holders, and can permit the copyright owner to recover statutory
damages of up to $100,000 and attorneys fees if the copyright is
subsequently infringed.
Public Performance Royalties
A copyright owner also has the exclusive right to authorize the
"public performance" of that work. This is why radio and television
broadcasters must enter into licenses with performance rights
organizations such as BMI, ASCAP and SESAC. These performance rights
organizations collect income on behalf of songwriters and music
publishers whenever a song is publicly broadcast. A future column of
the Fine Print will discuss these performance rights organizations in
more detail.
Even though music publishers do not collect this performance rights
income, publishers remain entitled to 50% of the money received by
BMI, ASCAP, SESAC and others. Publishers also register songs with
these performance rights organizations.
"Song Plugging"
This obscure term refers to music bizzers who promote the compositions
of others. This may involve convincing popular artists to cover your
song, or convincing Disney to use your latest tune in their next
animated feature.
Publishers may also authorize translations in order to generate income
from cover versions of a particular song in foreign countries.
Obtaining a Record Deal
Music publishers are usually generally most in signing established
songwriters or recording artists who write their own material.
However, some publishers may be willing to sign new songwriters or
bands without a record deal. If a publisher believes an undiscovered
artist will one day sell lots of hit records, they may help the artist
record demos and assist in trying to land a major record deal. If the
artist gets signed, the music publisher will hope to see a reward for
its investment in the form of mechanical royalties, public performance
royalties and other derivative income. A publisher may even be willing
to contribute to tour support or provide extra promotions money in
order to generate future publishing income from record sales and
The main reason is money. Music publishers may be willing to pay a
substantial cash advance for a songwriter's past, present or future
material. In exchange, the publisher will own a percentage of that
artist's musical copyrights and keep a percentage of money these songs
Of course, publishers are unlikely to pay an advance unless they
believe they can make a profit on the deal. Like everyone else in the
industry, music publishers are in the business of buying something of
yours in order to sell it to others at a profit. Unfortunately, many
artists do not realize how valuable their publishing rights are. The
history of the music business is littered with sleazy promoters who
paid pennies for songs that later generated millions in income.
Not every artist needs a publishing deal, and some artists may be
better off by avoiding traditional publishing deal altogether. Many
different publishing options may be available to an artist today. Some
publishers may be willing to enter into a more limited "co-publishing"
deal, and "administration" deals may be available for independent
artists who seek to retain their valuable copyrights. The next column
will look at each of these deals more closely.
This article is part 2 of an overview on music publishing. In the last
article I discussed what music publishers do and the types of income
they collect. This column looks at typical publishing deals that are
Actually, not every artist needs to enter a publishing deal. It may be
wiser to first obtain a major record deal before finding a music
publisher. Conversely, publishers may want nothing to do with an
artist who doesn't have a record deal or some other guaranteed way to
generate income. In addition, some artists may prefer to hold onto
their copyrights and let administration agencies collect their
publishing income.
With the exception of print music, income from musical compositions is
generally split on a 50/50 basis between the music publisher and
writer. The publisher's half of this income is called the "publisher's
share," and the writer's half is the "writer's share."
To illustrate how this works in the real world, let's take the
following example. Imagine a publisher collects slightly more than
$.68 (68 cents) in mechanical royalties from the sale of one of your
CDs (actually 10 songs x $.091 cents per song x 75% rate for
controlled compositions = 68.25 cents. I'll round off the extra ¼ cent
for purposes of this article). Assuming there are no collection costs
deducted off the top, the publisher's share comes to approximately
$.34 (34 cents) and the writer's share also comes to approximately
$.34 (34 cents).
This financial split is a basic, but important, concept. When
discussing publishing income, be sure to remember this distinction
between "publisher's share" and "writer's share."
Standard music publishing deals come in several varieties. These
include song-by-song publishing deals for specific compositions, and
exclusive songwriter agreements that may last for a fixed period of
years (usually 1 year with options to extend the term). These
publishing deals may cover all songs written by an artist, or just
those songs commercially released during the term of the agreement.
Under either arrangement, the publisher becomes the copyright owner of
the songs. In exchange, the Publisher may pay the artist an advance
based upon the potential value of the compositions. Subsequent income
generated from these songs is then split, usually on a 50/50 basis.
After the publisher recovers its advance, the artist is paid the
"writer's share" of net income received, while the publisher retains
its publisher's share.
Co-publishing deals are similar to the above arrangement, except the
artist (or the artist's publishing entity) co-owns a percentage of the
copyright along with the publisher. It is common for both parties to
each own 50% of the copyright, though percentages can vary from deal
to deal.
In a CO-publishing deal, the songwriter's publishing entity also
receives a percentage of the "publisher's share" of income. Thus,
using the above hypothetical, an artist would receive the "writer's
share" of the publishing "pie" (i.e., 34 cents), while also receiving
up to half the net income from the publisher's share of the publishing
"pie"(i.e., an additional 17 cents).
Although CO-publishing deals are sometimes better than standard
publishing deals, not all CO-publishing deals are in the artists best
interest. For instance, some independent record labels require new
artists to enter into a CO-publishing deal with the label's
"publishing" entity. (Ironically, few major labels require this of
their artists). Even if you are offered an additional advance for such
a deal, you should resist it! Here's why:
The record company's goal here is to reduce the amount of money
payable to you from record sales (since the record company gets to
keep 50% of the "publisher's share" of mechanical royalty income);
Independent record labels may lack the experience and resources to
promote your songs like an independent publishing company;
An independent publisher has more incentive to demand and accounting
and collect publishing income from your label; and
It may actually be in your interest to retain these copyrights and
enter into an administration deal instead.
In an administration deal, the publishing administrator collects
income and also helps promote the songwriter's catalogue. An
administration deal may last for a specific period of time (i.e., 3
years) or for one year with several options to renew. When the term is
over, all rights revert back to the artist.
A publishing administrator is typically paid by deducting a percentage
of the income it collects on behalf of the artist. After deducting
this administration fee (anywhere from 10% to 20% of the gross
proceeds) the administrator distributes 100% of the remaining net
income to the songwriter(s). As an incentive to promote your songs,
some administrators may also charge a slightly higher collection fee
for income earned from cover songs.
In some cases, a songwriter may receive as much income from a
co-publisher as a publishing administrator. However, while a
CO-publisher may be able to offer a generous advance, an
administration deal can provide an artist with greater financial and
artistic control. There are also many advantages to retaining the
copyright to your songs. For example, if your first record sells only
moderately but your next CD becomes commercially successful, you may
gain greater leverage to negotiate a favorable publishing,
CO-publishing or administration deal at a later date.
These two columns provide just a brief overview of the music
publishing industry. Because publishing money is often a major source
of revenue for recording artists, it is important to know about your
publishing rights. For those who want to learn more about this area,
one book worth reading is "Music, Money and Success: The Insider's
Guide to the Music Industry" by Jeff Brabec and Todd Brabec. The
authors have years of experience in the music business, and their book
provides a detailed guide to publishing industry practices, including
tips on what to look for in a publishing deal
Saturday, November 20, 2010
IT'S HERE....The Connected Music Group Presents Da Groove TV Trailer....
What's good family and friends.....It's here...the trailer to our new tv show called Da Groove......Check it out is a link to it...
connected music group,
El Dot Dollaz
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Connected Music Group Presents Da Groove TV Trailer......
What's good CMG Family and Friends.....Here is a link to our new TV Show series "The Connected Music Group Presents Da Groove"......Check it out and stay tuned for all that good stuff...CMG Yall....1 2 4...Let's Get It!!!!
connected music group,
da groove,
El Dot Dollaz
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Who's On Your Team????
Who's On Your Music Career Team?
You’ve got hot traxx, and you’re starting to get some serious buzz. But you’ve also got a website to maintain, gigs to book, and what about music sales, licensing, and about a million other things.
No one expects you to do it all yourself, but how do you find and manage a team that’ll keep your eyes on the prize?
1. First things first, get organized!
The fastest route to chaos is not knowing where and how your business is set up. Keep track of expenses, sales, gigs, merch, and all the other assorted things that make up your musical career. There are all kinds of online services to help with this, but you can get started with just a pencil and a notebook. You’ll never know how much money you’ve made if you can’t track how much you’ve spent.
2. Find a manager.
Seems obvious, right? Managers manage stuff, and you’ve got a lot of stuff going on. The right manager is invested in your success, has the skills to do the job, and has the necessary drive and connections to advance your career. S/he should work as hard as you and deserves to benefit from your mutual success. Most managers are paid by a commission on what you earn. If they’re doing their job correctly, they’ll only make money when you are. Managers often work under a mutually agreed to contract of services (you’ll do this, they’ll do that …), so make sure you agree to what in a contract before signing it. Whenever possible, have an entertainment lawyer look it over and offer suggestions.
3. Enlist your fans.
Your fans are some of your biggest supporters. The opportunity to gain access to you is motivation enough to be part of your team. Since they’re already huge advocates, your fans are great street teams members, review writers, and network builders. Treat them well, and they’ll do almost anything to help advance your career.
4. Market early and often.
Much of your activities involve marketing. From newsletters to Facebook, and beyond, you’re constantly presenting and promoting your career. Keep the conversation going, create compelling offers, and engage with fans and supporters. Along the way, measure the effectiveness of what you’re doing. Don’t spend time on programs or campaigns that aren’t driving results. Measure, adjust, and move forward. Then measure again.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Connected Music Group presents...Da Groove
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Drizzy and Nicki Minaj Speak
Drizzy talks about his biggest regrets with "Thank Me Later," and Nicki Minaj finally unveils the title to her highly anticipated debut album.
Even though Drake's debut album album Thank Me Later garnered critical acclaim and went on to sell over 880,000 copies, the Toronto rapper says he still has some regrets about the album's final outcome. Chief among these gripes is that the song "9 A.M. in Dallas" was unable to make the cut. According to the Young Money star, the song would have been the perfect intro to the album, but was unfortunately recorded the very day the album was to be mastered.
"The saddest part to me is that I would have made '9 AM in Dallas' the intro for the album, but I did it the day of mastering, which is crazy, so it couldn't make the album," he told MTV. "That's probably my greatest upset, was the fact that it couldn't be on the physical disc and be a part of that album."
Drake also bemoaned the numerous leaks prior to Thank Me Later's June 15 release. He says that the premature leaks of songs like "Shut It Down" and "Darlin'" - which ultimately did not make the album's cut - proved to be irksome, but not wholly detrimental to the album's overall quality.
"[The song] 'Darlin'' was a loss just because it was never mixed, and every time I hear it in the club, you can never really hear the words," he explained. "Most of the music we held for a long time, and the stuff that did leak, it was pretty good references. It wasn't anything I was too upset about. 'Shut It Down' leaking early was painful. I think it could have been a bigger record had it not been out there so long."
While Drizzy is enjoying his own solo success, fellow Young Money rapper Nicki Minaj is gearing up for the November 23 release of her debut LP. Now, during a recent Ustream session, the Queens emcee announced that her debut will be titled Pink Friday.
“To carry on a great tradition of Black Friday, we are going to switch it up this year in honor of the Nicki Minaj album and call that day Pink Friday, and call my album Pink Friday," she said.
Hip Hop Album Sales: The Week Ending 8/1/2010
Hip Hop Album Sales: The Week Ending 8/1/2010
Tech N9ne's third collabo's album comes in ahead of Fat Joe and Slum Village, but Crack gets a Top 30 debut, while Eminem finally lets go of #1.
Eminem's Recovery finally let go of #1 - to Avenged Sevenfold. Rick Ross was close behind, however with almost 63,000 units moved of Teflon Don. The Def Jam rapper's fourth official album features work from veterans such as No I.D., DJ Clark Kent and Cee-Lo. Drake's Thank Me Later fell to #5, as Justin Bieber joined the party at #4, climbing from #6 last week.
Usher's Raymond v. Raymond slid just one spot after climbing nine the previous week. The veteran Pop entertainer's "divorce album" is marching its way to a platinum plaque for Mr. Raymond and his longtime backer, LaFace Records. The album will feature two deluxe/additional material releases next month.
This week's biggest surprise came courtesy of Kansas City's Tech N9ne. No stranger to the charts, Tech's third offering of "collabos," this one called The Gates Mixed Plate got a Top 15 debut. Strange Music has had an impressive year on the Top 200 for an independent, with Tech joining Brotha Lynch Hung and Kutt Calhoun, who appeared previously. The Gates Mixed Plate features Glasses Malone, Devin The Dude and Jay Rock, among others.
* Please note: figures below approximated to nearest thousandth.
Top 200 Album Sales (Top 5 Hip Hop/R&B)
Rank Artist Album This Week Est. Total
159,000 this week
1,828,000 total
Rick Ross
Teflon Don
63,000 this week
239,000 total
Thank Me Later
34,000 this week
915,000 total
Raymond v. Raymond 18,000
974,000 total
Tech N9ne Collabos
The Gates Mixed Plate
17,000 this week
107,000 total
Outkast's Big Boi slid to #23. His critically-acclaimed Def Jam debut, Sir Lucious Left Foot: The Son of Chico Dusty features artists such as T.I., Gucci Mane and Too Short, with production from Organized Noize, Scott Storch and Lil Jon.
Fat Joe debuted on the charts this week with The Darkside Volume 1. The release marks Joe's debut with E1 Entertainment, and features work with DJ Premier, Just Blaze and Too Short. The darker-themed album has critics comparing it to Joe's first three albums. Despite the strong praises, the work debuted at #27, with approximately 12,000 units sold.
The Roots' acclaimed How I Got Over marches towards 150,000. The Def Jam release features extended Roots family Dice Raw, Truck North and others, in addition to Blu, Phonte and Peedi Peedi. Former Young Money and No Limit Records artist Curren$y fell 56 spots last week with his Def Jam-distributed Pilot Talk. Produced by Reasonable Doubt architect Ski Beatz, and featuring Mos Def and Jay Electronica, the New Orleans emcee is sitting just under 20,000 units overall.
What's billed as their last album, Villa Manifesto cracked the charts by Slum Village. Another E1 release, Manifesto features remaining SV members T3 and Elzhi, along with archival work from J Dilla and Baatin, and the controversial inclusion of Dilla's brother Illa J, and producer Young RJ. Although the album has been met warmly critically, fans have reacted very differently to the lineup changes of the potential curtain call from true independent Rap icons.
Rank Artist Album This Week Est. Total
Big Boi
Sir Lucious Left Foot: The Son of Chico Dusty
13,000 this week
120,000 total
Fat Joe
The Darkside Volume 1
The Roots
How I Got Over
7,500 this week
113,000 total
Curren$y Pilot Talk
3,300 this week
19,000 total
Slum Village
Villa Manifesto
Will Fat Joe go Top 5? Can Slum Village get the fanfare necessary to make another album?
Chamillionaire Signs a 50/50 Deal With Universal
Chamillionaire Reveals He Has A 50/50 Deal With Universal, Talks Technology
At a talk at Stanford University, Chamillionaire opens up about his unique contract, and how he got the leverage to demand it.
Platinum rapper Chamillionaire recently spoke at the Social Currency CrunchUp at California's Stanford University. In a technology setting, the Houston veteran expounded on his existing fan-base, created through online services like, prior to his signing with Universal Records. By way of his base, Cham said that he has an extremely artist-friendly contract dating back to 2004 or 2005. "I have a profits-sharing deal with [Universal Records]. Most artists don't [have such a deal], most artists make pennies on the dollar. I don't make that. I make what the label makes," he revealed, before clarifying that he has 50/50 share in net profits.
The former partner of Paul Wall revealed that through his website, and iTunes-topping performance of "Ridin' Dirty," he was able to secure this venture. "If I'm spending money, I want my money back just like [Universal does] if they're spending money. At the end of the day, I make what they make. That's not necessarily normal for an artist, but when I came into a major label, I had leverage." The rapper was asked if given the change of climate since his 2005 success would make him do things differently in hindsight. "To say that I would go back [and not sign with a major label], I can't say that...I have made millions and millions of dollars with Universal [and their] corporate structure," said Chamillionaire, who remains a Universal Republic artist, alongside Lil Jon and Distant Relatives.
Chamillionaire did speak candidly about the contract structure at the labels. "Because the industry's doing so bad right now, I think most contracts are designed for artists to fail," he said. Based on his generous contract, the rapper who says that he'recouped his Sound of Revenge and Ultimate Victory releases, admitted he checks Universal's accounting, "I audit them."
Almost three years removed from a proper release, Chamillionaire also stated that he's watched his label change for the worse. "Corporations are struggling. And for somebody like me, [Universal as a major label] just doesn't seem that major anymore," he said. "They should have been more aware of what's happening. That's why I come to tech conferences, so I can see what's next. They spend their money [on sending people] to the clubs right now, and I think they should be here." The rapper said he watched entire departments at labels dwindle to staffs of five, losing personnel that had a lot to do with his own success.
In the interview, Chamillionaire also speaks on his thoughts on rims, and which cell phones he uses, and why.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Da Groove Casting Call
Auditions!! 20-30 females, above average, attractive model type! 18+, Bubbly personaility w/ availability to shoot Aug. 13,14 2010..for new innovative Urban/Dance/talk show.."Connected Music Group presents Da Groove" tv show..dancers and guest panel spots available. This Thurs 8/5.. 6:30-8:30pm..2697 International P..........KWY "parkway Two Building" suite 100-2 Va.Beach near Lynnhaven mallon
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Stupid Bands is on Itunes!!!!!
Congrats to The Connected Music Group artist El Dot Dollaz on the release of his 1st single entitled "Stupid Bands". It is available on Itunes,,,, junodownload,,,, just to name a few. It's all over the country! Sales have been impressive so far with no promo!!! Show your support for El Dot and Cmg and get that hot new single. Stupid Bands!
connected music group,
El Dot Dollaz,
stupid bands
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Cmg Author and Photographer Rachel Woodward
Congrats to the CMG Author and Photographer Rachel Woodward. A photo from the upcoming CMG novel titled A Picture of Poetry will be featured as the cover of the VCU college magazine The Amendment. Rachel says "This is a photograph of my sister in the forest; the lighting was so spectacular that day and she was so beautiful; it was just so pure and it made us feel so free for a little while."
connected music group,
rachel woodward
Michael Lemelle
Yoooooooooooo, We had a meeting with the legendary actor and film writer Michael Lemelle last night and the brother is a deep thinker as well as a great spirit. Check him out at Oh yeah did I mention that we have film and movie distribution as well? Hmmmmmmm! Stay tuned! CMG Yall!
connected music group,
michael lemelle
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Record Exec Tyrone Hodnett Signs a Major Distribution Deal
The Connected Music Group Presents...!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
My name is Tyrone Hodnett. Along with my business partners Terrance Hackley and Paul Brinson, I am 1/3 owner of the Connected Music Group. We are a full service music/video production company as well as an indie record label based in Va. Beach, Va. On the business side of things, I would like to present and illustrate my proposed business plan to you. This project is not just limited to the music entity. It also involves film, fashion, and the strategic marketing of the Connected Music Group Brand. With key people in key places within the CMG Organization, we will provide our customers and consumers with classic material sure to provide years of enjoyment within the trifecta of film, fashion, and music!
First let's discuss music. Google me! I am Tyrone Hodnett, a hip hop legend and now a mogul in the making! For over 25 years I have been involved in the entertainment business. I have worked with both major labels as well as independent labels. One thing that they both have in common is that they are both looking for that next hit record! With this new project, I have more than that. CMG has a cd full of hit records! Every song that we recorded for this project was designed to be a smash single. We transcended from the norm on this project and decided to make it multi-regional. Due to personal as well as spiritual growth, this project is designed to entertain and unify not only my culture but every culture.
This particular recording was designed to instantly capture the listeners attention. We have signed the hottest underground artist from various regions around the country. A hit making collective that upon listening to the diverse musical genres that they embodied, I gave them each the opportunity to help CMG shape and mold this project into greatness! Each song will be released as a single as well as be accompanied by a video. Thus allowing us to release multiple singles at once targeting multiple genres simutaneously.
Aside from our CMG project, I have partnered with the Universal Music Group. We have started an independent label called CMG/Universal for which we have a lucrative distribution deal for. We to date have signed 6 artist and 5 producers that are destined to become major staples in the entertainment industry. The Connected Music Group has also branched off onto various other avenues together including but not limited to film, fashion, television, and model management.
Secondly we have our film projects. We are set to star in a new Forcefulworld film created and written by Full Force. It is based on their characters from the epic comedy film House Party. Not only am I starring in the film, I am also in charge of the soundtrack for the film. It is sure to become a number one reality show and make alot of money for whichever network that I choose for it to be on. The transition into film is only a natural progression for a hip hop star. Visit my website for a detailed list of projects and my acting resume.
As for the fashion world, we have created our own line of clothing. It is currently for sale exclusively on my online store called The TwangDation. The response has been great so far! We have exceeded our sales projection this month by 46%. We have a tentative scheduled nationwide release for our brand in June. The international response has been great. Our brand has been featured in a few music videos and countless television ads and flyers from the west to the eastcoast.
In closing, The Connected Music Group Presents is sure to be a classic project. By partnering with Universal, we are enabled to reach plateaus through marketing and strategizing that without each other would have been more harder to achieve. This has been a long, heartfelt journey. Paul, Terrance, and myself, along with the great CMG Family that we are assembling, have committed to providing our fans and friends a unique entertainment experience. Whether it be thru books, film, or music, the Connected Music Group Is So Official! Mi gente, my people, we are the Connected Music Group! CMG Yall!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Yung Money Artist Gudda Gudda New Mixtape Coming Soon!
Young Money's own Gudda Gudda is back!
After over a million downloads of his first DJ Illwill and DJ Rockstar-helmed solo mixtape Guddaville, Gudda follows up with "I Don't Like The Look (Willy Wonka)" featuring the best rapper alive, Lil' Wayne! Will the Connected Music Group have a single on his new project? Just wait and see!
Download the Clean track here:
Download the Dirty track here:
This is the lead-off single to his upcoming sophomore mixtape: DJ Illwill & DJ Rockstar Present: Back 2 Guddaville, which will be released soon along with the video to "I Don't Like the Look (Willy Wonka)".
Untagged Dirty version to follow thursday.
If you're interested in bookings, interviews, or drops, please reply to this email.
Greg "Gate$" Davenport
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Get Connected with CMG Official Gear
What's up world? Everyone has been asking for that hot CMG Gear! Well here you go. Just follow the link. The official logo shirts and Stupid Bans shirts coming soon!!! By the way the 1st single is on the way! If you wanna come out to Va to the star studded debut video for El Dot Dollaz, scream at us!
Friday, March 5, 2010
El Dot Dollaz Hits the Road to Perform at Spring Break 2010
MTV / mtvU Headed to Acapulco
Its official. MTV / mtvU will be staging it's annual Spring Break event in Acapulco this year. Events at the MTV / mtvU Spring Break Village will take place, during the week of March 13th. The first notice appeared on several of the First Choice Student Travel web sites and a few days later MTVu posted the announcement.
The location MTV / mtvU Spring Break Village will be on the beach at the Playa Suites Hotel. At the moment, no concert/activity list has been announced yet, so you will have to check back later to find out who the artists are going to be performing. You can check with Sun Splash Tours or one of the other Spring Break tour operators who contract for rooms each year at the MTV Spring Break hotel Playa Suites.
The Playa Suites
The Playa Suites are located on north end of the beach on the Avenue Costera Miguel Aleman. If you are staying at one of the many other hotels along the avenue, you can get to the Playa Suites by Taxi for fifty Pesos.
If you click on this map it will open a Google Map with the location of MTV /mtvU Village at the Playa Suites.
Win a Trip for Two To Acapulco
mtvU has a contest to win a trip for two which includes Round Trip Coach Air Transportation for two, 7 Night Hotel Accommodations, Ground Transportation Between Airport & Hotel and VIP Experience at mtvU Spring Break Event.
Press Release: February 5, 2010
MTV urges students to brush up on their Español as the network takes over the Playa Suites Hotel in Acapulco Bay, Mexico as its official mtvU Spring Break 2010 destination from March 14 through March 18, 2010. Cómo se dice… amazing live music, beautiful beaches and thousands of college students having a blast? Experience at mtvU Spring Break Event. mtvU Spring Break
MTV will bring the hottest emerging and established acts together for kick-ass performances straight from this Mexican paradise, setting the soundtrack to Spring Break 2010. Hip hop’s finest will also be on hand to countdown the hottest music on MTV2 as the Sucker Free Countdown packs up its mics and turntables to shoot under the Mexican sun. Additionally, the cameras will roll as the network tapes its slate of Spring Break programming set to air across MTV channels, including “The Spring Break Challenge!”
Featuring a fresh cast from some of America’s top colleges, this beach-side show will bring all the drama and excitement viewers know and love from The Real World/Road Rules Challenges, including appearances by All-Star cast members who are back to coach these “freshmen” on how to take home a win for their alma mater. The full line-up of Spring Break artists and programming will be announced at a later date.
The MTV Village will take over every inch of the Playa Suites Acapulco – from pool to beach – giving students access to the best contests, games and tons of free swag. Additionally, MTV’s DJ will be on-hand to emcee the party, keeping beats going day and night.
The MTV Village will take over every inch of the Playa Suites Acapulco – from pool to beach – giving students access to the best contests, games and tons of free swag. Additionally, MTV’s DJ will be on-hand to emcee the party, keeping beats going day and night.
MTV is partnering with First Choice Student Travel again this year to ensure that the every inch of Acapulco is flooded with amigos with one thing in mind - having the ultimate Spring Break experience. Students can find additional Spring Break information and updates, enter for a chance to win a free trip courtesy of First Choice Student Travel to Acapulco Bay, Mexico, and check out casting call online at mtvU’s Spring Break Headquarters.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
CMG/Universal reggae artist Rafael Santana
Monday, March 1, 2010
Dr. Martin Luther King Commemoration at UVA by Dr. Rev Albert Paul Brinson
Reverend Brinson is Deep!
Connected Music Group artist-----O.Z. The General
O.Z. is currently in the studio finishing up his new album that will soon be released on CMG/Universal. One love homie!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
CMG Drake Album Promotion
Drizzy Drake announced today he’s going on Tour and the tour will be called “The Away From Home Tour” The tour will serve as promotion for his debut album. CMG's founder and Ceo Paul Brinson said "We look forward to assisting Drake on this bold career endeavor and he has complete support from The Connected Music Group."
Apr. 6: Charleston, IL (Eastern Illinois University)Apr. 7: Columbus, OH (private location)Apr. 9: State College, PA (Penn State University)Apr. 10: Boston, MA (private location)Apr. 11: Lock Haven, PA (private location)Apr. 14: East Lansing, MI (Michigan State University)Apr. 15: Rochester Hills, MI (Oakland University)Apr. 16: Morgantown, WV (West Virginia University)Apr. 21: Orlando, FL (University Central Florida)Apr. 22: Greenville, SC (Furman University)Apr. 23: TBAApr. 24: New Orleans, LA (New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival)Apr. 26: New Orleans, LA (University of Missouri – Kansas City)Apr. 27: Lexington, KY (University of Kentucky)Apr. 29: Lowell, MA (University Mass Lowell)Apr. 30: Syracuse, NY (private location)May 1: Boston, MA (private location)May 4: East Rutherford, NJ (Bamboozle Festival)May 5: Towson, MD (Holy Cross)May 6: Cheney, PA (Towson University)May 7: Ithaca, NY (private location)May 8: Plymouth, NH (private location)
Categories: Flyers, Tours Tags: drake, flyer, the away from home tour, tour, tourdates, touring
Apr. 6: Charleston, IL (Eastern Illinois University)Apr. 7: Columbus, OH (private location)Apr. 9: State College, PA (Penn State University)Apr. 10: Boston, MA (private location)Apr. 11: Lock Haven, PA (private location)Apr. 14: East Lansing, MI (Michigan State University)Apr. 15: Rochester Hills, MI (Oakland University)Apr. 16: Morgantown, WV (West Virginia University)Apr. 21: Orlando, FL (University Central Florida)Apr. 22: Greenville, SC (Furman University)Apr. 23: TBAApr. 24: New Orleans, LA (New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival)Apr. 26: New Orleans, LA (University of Missouri – Kansas City)Apr. 27: Lexington, KY (University of Kentucky)Apr. 29: Lowell, MA (University Mass Lowell)Apr. 30: Syracuse, NY (private location)May 1: Boston, MA (private location)May 4: East Rutherford, NJ (Bamboozle Festival)May 5: Towson, MD (Holy Cross)May 6: Cheney, PA (Towson University)May 7: Ithaca, NY (private location)May 8: Plymouth, NH (private location)
Categories: Flyers, Tours Tags: drake, flyer, the away from home tour, tour, tourdates, touring
Monday, February 8, 2010
Music Distribution
The Connected Music Group recently inked a major distribution deal with Universal. We also have distribution that we can offer to aspiring artist. We are Now Offering Ringtones/Mastertones 3Line (SI/HR) Air media Inc. (US) Airtel (IN) AIS (TH) Alltel (US) Antena3 (ES) AOL (CA/UK/US) AT&T (US) Auracall (UK) Bell Canada (CA) Best Buy (US) Blau Mobilfunk GmbH (DE) Brazil Telecom (BR) Cellcom (IL) Cellular One (US) Cincinetti Bell (US) Claro – BCP S.A (BR) Comverse (US) Debitel AG (DE) Digitania (HU) DTAC djuice (TH) Entel PCS (CL) Eplus (DE) Eurosport (FR/PL/DE/UK/ES/PT/NL/AT/) CH/HU/SE/CZ) FCC (KW/QA/SA/AE) Fnac (PT) FOX (AU/UK/US) Getmobile AG (DE) GoAdv S.r.l. (DE/UK) SA (IN) H3G (IT) Hachette (ES) Handmark (UK/BE/NL/DE) iCOL Global Holding (BH/SA/AE) Klarmobil GmbH (DE) KPN (NL) Mbox (IL) Megafon (RU) Melody (Middle East) Metro PCS (US) Microsoft (US/CA) Mobilcom AG (DE) Motorola (Worldwide) MTN (ZA) MTS (CA) MTV/ MTV Networks (DE/AT/CH/US/CA/NL) MySpace (Worldwide ) Nokia (Worldwide) O2 Germany (DE) O2 UK & Ireland (UK/IE) OD2 (US) Oi – TNL PCS S/A (BR) Opera (DE/ES/IT/NL/SE/UK/AT/BE/) CH/FI/IE/HU/NO/PT/TH/AU/ZA) Optimus (PT) Orange World (FR/UK) PocketNet (TW/CN) Prisacom/ Los 40 (ES) ProSiebenSat.1 (DE) PureBrose (BR) Real Networks (UK/DE/IT/ES/NL/FR) Rogers (CA) RTL (BE) Samsung (NL) SaskTel (CA) SFR (FR) Sky (UK) SLA/ Telcomsel (ID) Sony Ericsson (SE) Sprint (US) StarHub (SG) Technowireless (Middle East) Tele2 (SE/NO) Telefonica (Worldwide) Telenor (NO) Telia Sonera (SE/FI/NO/DK/LT) Telus (CA) Teracomm (BG/MK/RO) Tesco/ Trust5 (IE) The Phone House AG (DE) Thumbtribe Trading cc (ZA) TIM Celular S/A (BR) TIM Italy (IT) T-Mobile (DE/AT/NL/UK/US) TMN (PT) True Move (TH) Verizon (US) Vidzone (UK) Virgin Mobile (US/ZA) Viva (DE/AT/CH) VIVO S/A (BR) Vodacom (ZA) Vodafone (BE/DE/IE/IT/NL/NZ/PT/SE/UK) Vympelcom (RU) WAP Gallery (FR) Warner (US) Wind Italy (IT)
connected music group,
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Platinum artist Skeelo working with the Connected Music Group
We here at the Connected Music Group would like to announce our brand new joint venture with hip hop legend Skeelo. We are producing part of his soon to be released project tiltled "Fresh Ideas". For those of you who are too young to remember who Skeelo is, I'll give you a quick history lesson!
Skee-Lo's single "Top of the Stairs" was featured in the ending credits as well as the soundtrack to the 1995 film Money Train. He had a hit single in the same year with "I Wish", which reached #13 in the U.S. Billboard Hot 100, and was hugely successful in much of Europe. "I Wish" was produced by Walter "Kandor" Kahn, who released the single on his L.A.-based Sunshine Records. Kahn also produced Skee-Lo's first album. The single was reissued, along with the album on the combined Sunshine and Scotti Bros. label.
Skee-Lo also recorded a cover of the Schoolhouse Rock! song "The Tale of Mr. Morton", which taught sentence structure (subject, verb, predicate). The song appears on the compilation album, Schoolhouse Rock! Rocks.[3]
He also co-wrote "I'll Be Your Everything" by boy band Youngstown. The song is featured on the Inspector Gadget soundtrack.
Skee-Lo released a new comeback EP in 2009 labeled "Overdose" after a nine-year absence.[citation needed]He is of Haitian descent by the way. His new album titled "Fresh Ideas" will be released in early 2010. We at the Connected Music Group look forward to helping Skeelo return to the top of the charts and to furthermore help solidify him as one of the greatest hip hop icons of all time!
[edit] Music video
The comedic music video to the song "I Wish", directed by Marty Thomas, gained popularity on MTV.[1]
[edit] Discography
[edit] Albums
I Wish (1995)
Money Train: Music From The Motion Picture (1995)
I Can't Stop (2000)
Tony Kurtis is JukeBoxx (No One But) YOU Remixes (2009)
Rappin 4-Tay Presents At All Costs "Delusions Of Grandeur" (2009)
Central Valley All Stars Explosion (2009)
Rely On Selph (Remastered Deluxe Edition) (2009)
OVERDOSE (EP) (2009)
[edit] Singles
"I Wish" (1995)
"Top of the Stairs" (1995)
"Superman" (1996)
"Holdin' On" (1996)
"At the Mall" (1999)
"Bounce Back" (1999)
"Just YOU" (2009)
"Overdose" (2009)
"Fresh Ideas" (2010)
Skee-Lo's single "Top of the Stairs" was featured in the ending credits as well as the soundtrack to the 1995 film Money Train. He had a hit single in the same year with "I Wish", which reached #13 in the U.S. Billboard Hot 100, and was hugely successful in much of Europe. "I Wish" was produced by Walter "Kandor" Kahn, who released the single on his L.A.-based Sunshine Records. Kahn also produced Skee-Lo's first album. The single was reissued, along with the album on the combined Sunshine and Scotti Bros. label.
Skee-Lo also recorded a cover of the Schoolhouse Rock! song "The Tale of Mr. Morton", which taught sentence structure (subject, verb, predicate). The song appears on the compilation album, Schoolhouse Rock! Rocks.[3]
He also co-wrote "I'll Be Your Everything" by boy band Youngstown. The song is featured on the Inspector Gadget soundtrack.
Skee-Lo released a new comeback EP in 2009 labeled "Overdose" after a nine-year absence.[citation needed]He is of Haitian descent by the way. His new album titled "Fresh Ideas" will be released in early 2010. We at the Connected Music Group look forward to helping Skeelo return to the top of the charts and to furthermore help solidify him as one of the greatest hip hop icons of all time!
[edit] Music video
The comedic music video to the song "I Wish", directed by Marty Thomas, gained popularity on MTV.[1]
[edit] Discography
[edit] Albums
I Wish (1995)
Money Train: Music From The Motion Picture (1995)
I Can't Stop (2000)
Tony Kurtis is JukeBoxx (No One But) YOU Remixes (2009)
Rappin 4-Tay Presents At All Costs "Delusions Of Grandeur" (2009)
Central Valley All Stars Explosion (2009)
Rely On Selph (Remastered Deluxe Edition) (2009)
OVERDOSE (EP) (2009)
[edit] Singles
"I Wish" (1995)
"Top of the Stairs" (1995)
"Superman" (1996)
"Holdin' On" (1996)
"At the Mall" (1999)
"Bounce Back" (1999)
"Just YOU" (2009)
"Overdose" (2009)
"Fresh Ideas" (2010)
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